Hospitality sales rise across UK city centres

UK hospitality is making a steady recovery as the last remaining Covid-19 restrictions are lifted, according to a new report from CGA and Wireless Social.

The latest in a new series of 'Top Cities: Vibrancy Ranking' reports combines sales and device log-in data from more than 8,000 restaurants, pubs and bars to assess the performance of Britain's 10 most populous cities over the four weeks to 12 February 2022. 

The report names Bristol as the most vibrant of the 10 ranked cities, with eating- and drinking-out sales seeing modest growth from pre-Covid levels and check-in numbers improving. Sales were also up in Manchester, lifting the city from ninth place in the previous report to second in this year's. Glasgow places third, while Sheffield has moved up four places into fourth. 

Across all 10 cities reviewed, sales were just 3% down on the same period in 2019 – a sharp improvement on the 10% shortfall in the previous four weeks. However, with inflation running high, sales are substantially lower than 2019 levels in real terms. Since check-in numbers are flat compared to the previous period, the improvement may be due to greater spending per head rather than increases in visits. 

Elsewhere in the rankings, London comes in last place for the second consecutive year, with sales and check-ins still 11% and 38% down on pre-Covid levels, respectively. While both figures are improvements on the previous four weeks, it suggests workers have been slow to return to the capital, and the shortfall of tourists has further reduced sales. There were modest drops in sales in other leading cities, but clear signs that trading is improving. 

Britain's 10 biggest cities, ranked by vibrancy
Rankings for the four weeks to 12 February 2022. Numbers in brackets indicate position for the previous four weeks to 15 January 2022. 

  1. Bristol (3)
  2. Manchester (9)
  3. Glasgow (2)
  4. Sheffield (8)
  5. Liverpool (6)
  6. Leicester (5)
  7. Birmingham (4)
  8. Edinburgh (7)
  9. Leeds (1)
  10. London (10)

Chris Jeffrey, client director at CGA, comments: "After two very difficult years for Britain's city centres, our report is proof of their growing vibrancy as Covid restrictions ease. Positive trends in Bristol, Manchester and elsewhere raise hopes that sales and footfall may soon return to pre-pandemic norms. However, while many consumers are making up for lost time in pubs, bars and restaurants, others remain cautious about spending as inflation mounts, and trading in London remains particularly challenging. Recovery is going to be fragile, and achieving real-terms growth will be tough amid high inflation. But it is already clear that hospitality will be pivotal to the economic revival of Britain's cities in 2022."

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