Plant-based report up for grabs

Quorn has commissioned an in-depth report on plant-based patterns in partnership with the Sustainable Restaurant Association for its hospitality customers.

The research looked into what’s driving one of the largest foodservice trends in recent years, the plant-based movement, and how it has gone from niche to mainstream.

“We surveyed 2,000 UK adults who identify as flexitarians for The Quorn ChiQin Report,” said Phil Thornborrow, foodservice director for Quorn. “Younger generations are driving the change, with 49% of 18- to 24-year-olds now following a meat-free or meat reducing diet. But, as environmental awareness skyrocketed in the pandemic and consumers of all ages recognised the impact of their meal choices, eating less meat is now a behaviour not a trend.”

The research found that the burger is still the top choice of meat-free meal when flexitarians dine out. However, there is a huge growing desire for more chicken-like dishes, such as wings, strips and tenders.

Operators interested in reading the full report should e-mail [email protected].

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