Perch offers mentorship to aspiring restaurateurs

The team behind the south coast restaurant and cafe brand Perch is offering a stepping stone to budding restaurateurs, giving them the chance to participate in an 18-month mentorship programme and become part of Worthing's growing restaurant scene. 

The Perch team recently restored the town’s art deco pier, making it one of Worthing's premier dining venues.  With views over the southern coastline, the venue – called The Nest – is a standalone dining space located on the first floor. Alex Coombes, owner of Perch, believes that, in the right hands, it could be one of the finest hospitality locations in Sussex.

Hoping to offer a helping hand to new restaurants looking to launch in the community, Coombes and his team will offer the restaurant space – including its 35-cover dining area, kitchen full of brand-new equipment, and bar – for 18 months, while the new offering is established. They’ll also provide support and coaching as the restaurateur tackles the challenge of opening in a new location, plus marketing, HR, accounting and operational help, if required. Rent will be set as a percentage based on turnover to ensure that overheads are manageable as the new venture is established.

Potential operators will need to apply, showing a clear vision of how their premium offering will work at The Nest. They’ll need to demonstrate the skills needed to create an incredible menu and be able to deliver an exceptional guest experience. 

Coombes says of the opportunity: "This is one of the finest dining spaces and I'm tremendously excited to see the ideas and developments that come from it. We want to support and grow a great idea into another fantastic restaurant in Worthing."

The new operator will not stay at The Nest forever – the Perch team will be on hand to help the new restaurant get established and build a reputation, assisting the restaurateur in finding their own premises in Worthing after a year or two. Then, The Nest will be offered to the next batch of aspiring restaurateurs, with the aim of providing the town with an ongoing stream of exciting new openings to its restaurant landscape. 

For more information on how to apply, please visit

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