Hospitality apprenticeships shunned by Top 100 Universities

The barriers to unlocking highly skilled workforces and economic growth in the hospitality sector have been uncovered by a new study, which shows that 96% of the UK's Top 100 Universities still don't deliver catering and hospitality degree apprenticeships.
The study was conducted by the University Vocational Awards Council (UVAC), which has over 90 university members, examining the range of jobs students can train for when completing such a programme.
Analysis across the 100 institutions found that more work is needed if the UK's higher education (HE) system is going to offer every available degree apprenticeship to ensure hospitality employer and student ambitions are met.
Of the universities reviewed, the greatest provision of degree apprenticeships is in business and administration subject areas, with 48% of universities offering a programme for those progressing their career in HR, as a business analyst or a senior leader. Such courses, including the SMI Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship, make up 18% of the degree apprenticeships offered by the top 100 HE institutions.
This is closely followed by health and science (45%), which provides a pathway into roles such as pharmacist or registered nurse. The third biggest subject area is digital and IT (36%), which offers a work-based route into roles such as software developer or data scientist.
The lowest provision of degree apprenticeships is within law and legal studies, with only 3% providing a vocational course in this area.
Percentage of degree apprenticeships offered at Top 100 Universities:
- Business and administration – 48%
- Health and science – 45%
- Digital and IT – 36%
- Engineering and manufacturing – 33%
- Construction, architecture and the built environment – 21%
- Care services – 20%
- Education, teaching and childcare – 18%
- Protective services (eg. police or fire services) – 9%
- Finance and accounting – 7%
- Agriculture, environment and animal care – 7%
- Creative and design – 6%
- Transport and logistics – 5%
- Catering and hospitality – 4%
- Sales, marketing and procurement – 4%
- Law and legal studies – 3%
- Hair and beauty – 0%
Dr Mandy Crawford-Lee, CEO of the UVAC, comments: "In the last academic year alone, degree apprenticeship starts increased by 9% compared to the previous year. Yet, our research reveals there is still scope for far greater provision, given their proven impact on improving social mobility, addressing the skills gaps and shortages across public and private sector organisations and bolstering the wider economy.
"The UK's world-class universities have a fundamental role to play in ensuring hospitality employers, including SMEs, have the right employees with the right skills to raise business performance and productivity. Too often universities are only seen as focused on academic programmes for young people, when in reality those delivering apprenticeships play a key role in supporting those new to the workforce, or currently employed, to develop the knowledge and skills needed to excel in any sector.
"Moving forward, we view the provision of higher and degree apprenticeships delivered by HE as essential to levelling up regions and reducing the skills gap. Out research shows there is still capacity within our UK institutions to both deliver more degree apprenticeships and diversify into new industries and occupations. I believe universities provide a cutting-edge and aspirational approach that is continually helping raise the status of all types of apprenticeship across the UK."