UKHospitality launches election toolkit for businesses

As part of UKHospitality's pre-election campaign, which started at last year's summer conference, the trade body is now able to offer all hospitality businesses the opportunity to invite parliamentary candidates to their venue and impress upon them the importance of the hospitality sector. 

In addition, UKHospitality members can access an exclusive webinar that lays out its election strategy and key asks during the campaign.

Over the last 18 months, UKHospitality's engagement with politicians has been pivotal in securing key policy pledges from the main political parties. Most notably, these include commitments from the Labour Party to replace the broken business rates system and reform the apprenticeship levy. 

The trade body has written to all parliamentary candidates outlining the strategic importance of hospitality and share the industry's key asks, as well as securing meetings with candidates in crucial constituencies. 

'Hospitality has one of the best stories to tell'

Kate Nicholls, CEO of UKHospitality, comments: "General election campaigns are all about making your voice heard, and hospitality has one of the best stories to tell.

"We've already been meeting candidates up and down the country, telling them about the critical work the sector does serving Britain and creating places where people want to live, work and invest.

"Now, we're making sure that businesses have the tools to tell their story to local candidates. Inviting prospective MPs to your venue allows you to show them first-hand just how important hospitality is in creating jobs, driving economic growth and fostering a sense of community in our cities, towns and villages.

"Our work over the past year and a half has already been hugely successful in securing critical pledges from political parties and the general election campaign is yet another step in our strategy to ensure the next parliament is filled with MPs who will champion our sector.

"I urge all businesses to dive into our election toolkit and get stuck into the campaign – making sure hospitality's voice is at the heart of the debate."

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