Hobart Demonstrates Dedication to Customer-Back Innovation Through World-First Undercounter Range

Hobart has developed an undercounter dishwasher with a built-in Cutlery Premium feature to make manual polishing a thing of the past. Not only this but its newest undercounter range is the first of its type to gain much sought after ETL (Energy Technology List) certification - taking pride of place on the Government’s approved list of energy efficient products.
The manufacturer’s leading customer back innovation programme involved extensive Europe-wide research, and when the results highlighted manual polishing of cutlery as one of the biggest pain points for hotel and restaurant kitchens, Hobart’s expert teams got to work. The outcome is a unique Cutlery Premium option – a removable, rotating cutlery rack that prevents water shielding by performing a permanent shaking action, thereby guaranteeing hygienic, stain-free cutlery without the need for manual polishing.
This yields an impressive 50% time and labour saving compared to manual drying and polishing, giving front of house teams valuable time back to focus on the needs of customers.
The new undercounter range also boasts a combined wash and rinse arm with self-flushing nozzles which eliminateblockages to give maximum wash performance whilst reducing manual cleaning effort for operators. This allows for a 10% reduction in water consumption on short and standard cycles*, which in turn results in a similar reduction in energy and chemical consumption.
A new E-Save cycle reduces the rinse temperature and operates a shorter cycle to save on electrical energy consumption whilst maintaining wash performance. In addition to this, the machines boast a new self-cleaning cycle that has been optimised and automatically activates on drain down to minimise labour required to maintain a clean wash chamber.
To find out more, visit hobartuk.com/undercounters
*Compared to previous models